Dr. Khan is a board-qualified Nephrologist practicing with this practice since 2008. Dr. Khan also works at several East Valley hospitals including Chandler Regional Medical Center, Mercy Gilbert Medical Center and the Banner health facilities.
Dr. Khan completed his residency in Internal Medicine in 2007 at Lutheran Medical Center in Brooklyn NY. He practiced as an Internal Medicine physician for over 6 years prior to completing his fellowship in Nephrology in 2017 from University of Arizona (UofA) in Tucson, AZ.
He currently resides in Gilbert, AZ with his wife and 4 children. In his time off, Dr Khan loves to travel and spend time with their family. He is vested in the well being of his patients, not only from a renal, but also from an internal medicine stand point. He has extensive background and experience in civil & structural engineering as well as construction projects. He builds enthusiast level computers for relaxation. He works on and modifies performance automobiles and machinery as a hobby in his free time. His favorite author is Stephen Hawking and is a huge fan of all his work towards the field of theoretical astrophysics. He finds it relaxing to build, modify and fix things.